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Anti-Gay Protest in Yerevan Provokes Unprecedented Public Interest in Gays

Protesters saving Armenia from “Parada”‘-caused plunge into nationwide homosexuality.

YEREVANOn October 8, anti-gay nationalist group rallied  Yerevan streets to inform general public about unadvertised gay event and encouraging the nation not to show up for it. Previously clueless public now intrigued by the event.

Sponsored by the German Embassy in Yerevan, the screening of “Parada” movie about gay rights in Serbia was going to be another boring non-event attended by usual suspects, until young enthusiastic hate-group helped publicize the event.

“We’ve tried organizing this kind of minority rights movie screenings before, — explains press officer at the German Embassy, — but the turn-out was like 4-5, well, max 6 people. But now thanks to the selfless efforts of the young homophobes everyone knows about “Parada” and is watching it as we speak”.

The thundering  protest at the German Embassy has also provoked public interest for all things gay. Common folks watching young and energetic hate-mongers screaming at the German Embassy now want to know what’s the whole fuss about.

Ashotik, 24, unemployed, says: “I was planning to spend the night  fooling around with my girlfriend, but now with all the fuss and yelling… I’m just too curious about the whole gay thing… I guess I’ll just give the gay thing a try. Might as well blow my neighbor Khachik or something.”

“It’s gonna take dozens of blessing ceremonies and experienced priests to cleanse the gay aura at the theater…”, — hate-group logistics officer.

The young anti-human rights activists insist that the “Parada” was a threat to the nation and especially the choice venue was clear sign that some sort of gay-mason conspiracy was behind it.

Young hate-group’s outreach coordinator, Artsvik Simonyan reports: “Can you believe it? They’re gonna screen a gay movie at children’s puppet theater! A public puppet theater for kids! It’s clear-cut child molestation! Well… Except.. no child is  molested or anything, but still —  the whole aura of the theater is totally getting fucked!”

Local minority rights protection NGO “Yellow” called the protest “best advertizing to happen to a gay movie since “Alexander the Great”. NGO’s coordinator Zaven Pavlikyan excites: “We were hoping the movie would eventually reach a few dozens tops. But now thanks to the energy and efforts of young gay-bashers most of Facebook users of Armenia have been intrigued into watching it. I guess hate-groups can be useful after all.”

As the protesters continue to raise public awareness on the merciless gay threat and save the puppet theater from the devastating gay aura, “Parada” continues to poison innocent minds and force people into cruel gayhood.