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Գրի՛ր առաջին մեկնաբանությունը

  1. SRK SRK 15/12/2009

    hajox er!!!!!!! nkar@ el aveli hajox a stacvel manavand axjka mazern u cholkan. Mekel title-@ shat lavn er, menak էլիտառ chi էլիտար a:gitem cheq sirum ditoxutyun stanal,bayc chkaroxaca chanel,chdimaca.

    • armcomedy armcomedy 15/12/2009

      Ironically es angam ditavoryal er ))

  2. Nary Nary 17/12/2009

    -Oh! Honey, I’m sicken tired of Versaches, let’s look for another brand!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. pomexpress pomexpress 30/12/2009

    Hmmmm — I don’t think that sugar boobs is a direct translation of կյանք — but perhaps you are also commenting on the meaning of life?

    Did you see your mention in the blog

    • armcomedy armcomedy 31/12/2009

      Lets leave direct translation to Google translate an F students and do some creative translation ))
      Thanx for the tip, didnt see that post ))

Մեկնաբանությունները փակ են.